How to Beat Foreign Language Anxiety and Improve Your English
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Feeling anxious when speaking English or worrying about making mistakes is a common experience called foreign language anxiety. We'll delve into the science behind this anxiety and share three key strategies to conquer it. Confidently navigate your English journey, moving beyond anxiety towards effective communication.

Learning a new language is exciting, empowering, but sometimes anxiety inducing. Today we're diving into an important piece of research from the world of language education, the study of foreign language, classroom anxiety.

Authored by Elaine Horowitz, Michael Horowitz and Joan Cope in the summer of 1986, this seminal paper has shaped our understanding of the struggles that some language learners face.

So what is foreign language, classroom anxiety or F L C A for short? In the most simple terms, it's a type of performance anxiety. It's the fear of making mistakes, of not understanding or being understood in your new language.

And it can be a significant barrier to language acquisition. The authors suggests that F L C A is not just about language. It's rooted in a complex web of social, emotional, and cognitive factors.

The study by Horowitz and team sought to understand this anxiety better. They developed a questionnaire known as the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, or F L C A S. Through their research, they identified three key components of F L C A. Communication, apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation.

Communication apprehension is the fear of communicating with others in the language that you're learning. Test anxiety relates to the fear of failure and language testing. And fear of negative evaluation is the dread of being judged or evaluated by others when speaking the new language.

So how can we as language learners, combat this anxiety. The study provides insights and here are three tangible strategies we recommend. 

Strategy one, incremental learning. Break your language learning down into smaller, manageable pieces.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your English proficiency. Celebrate small victories. This approach can reduce the overall fear of failure.

Strategy, two. Regular practice. To lessen communication apprehension, make sure to practice your English as much and as frequently as possible in a variety of settings. Create a safe space for practicing maybe with fellow learners. Practice makes progress and it can also make you feel more confident. 

And I have great news for you. I've created a safe, wonderful space in our very own Explearning Academy community where you can practice day in and day out with learners just like yourself. So definitely consider joining that safe space, that wonderful community that I've created for you. And start your journey of consistency, now. 

Strategy three, constructive feedback. Find a mentor or teacher who can provide supportive and constructive feedback. You can also join our community for feedback like that as well. This can help mitigate the fear of negative evaluation as it promotes growth and improvement as opposed to judgment. 

And in our very own community, you can get that feedback that we're talking about.

 Are you wondering where you can put all these strategies into practice? Look no further than the Explearning Academy, our very own private global community.

Explearning Academy is a vibrant communication community that believes in the power of practice, feedback and incremental learning. Our academy is the perfect place to conquer your foreign language, classroom anxiety and fears about speaking in English and communicating cross-culturally and with native English speakers.

We host live workshops each and every week where you can immerse yourself in the English language, learn communication strategies, polish your professional communication skills as well, and boost confidence. This real-time practice is the best way to lessen communication apprehension, just as our previous strategy suggests.

You'll receive constructive feedback from our skilled mentors and your fellow learners, fostering a supportive environment that helps mitigate the fear of negative evaluation or evaluation apprehension.

You'll also be part of an amazing community. Our members are from different parts of the world, all on the same journey of mastering their English communication skills and reaching social fluency. This community fosters friendship and learning, helping you to feel more comfortable and confident.

 At Exploring Academy, we've seen countless learners transform their anxiety into confidence. Remember, anxiety is normal, but with the right strategies and a supportive community, you can rise above it, and thrive in your language learning and communication journeys.

Join us today at Explearning Academy and let's get you to overcome that foreign language, classroom anxiety together. 

Check out the link in the description to sign up for our free webinars, and also to join the community when you're ready.

Remember, experiencing anxiety when learning a new language is completely natural, but know that you're not alone and it doesn't have to hinder your learning. Use these strategies, engage with your learning community, and continue to explore ways to manage and overcome foreign language classroom anxiety.

Learning a new language is a journey. It's a process. Don't let anxiety be a roadblock. Use it instead as a stepping stone toward becoming a more confident, empowered, english communicator.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Advanced English learners. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies on your language learning journey, and remember to like, share, and subscribe to our channel and podcasts for more content like this. Until next time, keep learning, keep growing, and keep on Explearning.

I'll see you in the next one. Bye for now and happy advanced English Learning everyone.

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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