Confident Speaking in English with Assertive Communication
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Learn how to be confident speaking in English by communicating assertively. We share four strategies for assertive communication. If you want to have confidence in English these are the steps to take to speak English confidently.

Being assertive is an important communication skill to have, whether you’re speaking in your native language (L1) or second language (L2).

In this lesson, we discuss four ways to communicate assertively in English.

Let's take a look at the four strategies.

Find Your Power Tone

Use the tone of voice that you use when you want to be persuasive or convincing. We call this the power pitch in communication. This is generally the tone we use when we are confident about the subject matter or feel we are an expert in a certain field or area. It’s the pitch we use when we are exercising our authority and credibility.

To find this in English, use your L2. First, choose a space where you can comfortably speak out loud to do this exercise. In your native language, speak a few sentences about something you feel comfortable and confident about. If you are an expert in engineering, speak about engineering. Record yourself (audio and/or video) and listen to how you sound. What tone of voice are you using when you speak confidently in your L1? Use this same tone now when speaking English. Record yourself in English and compare the tone of voice when you speak both languages. 

Use Confident Body Language

Body language gives a lot away. Without speaking, it can tell someone if we are confident or shy. It sends a signal. We want to ensure that we are using confident body language when we are communicating assertively.

Stand up straight, keep your shoulders back, have a smile on your face, use big sweeping hand gestures for emphasis, and hold your head up high. 

Doing this sends the message that you are confident and comfortable, even if you make grammatical mistakes or use an incorrect word. People will pay more attention to how you say something than every little word that you say or don’t say.

Use Declaratives over Interrogatives

A declarative sentence is the opposite of a question or interrogative. When we declare something we state it loud and clear for all to hear. At the end of a sentence, our intonation naturally falls and we end on a down note. This is opposite to a question, where we naturally use rising intonation. 

When we are asserting ourselves, we need to ensure that we are ending our sentences with a lowering intonation.

Use the Facts

Backup your points with facts. Rely on data and research to support your claims and points. This will bolster your argument and increase your credibility. It shows that you are confident in what you are saying and that you have researched this topic thoroughly. This is especially important when you are making an argument for or against something. Instead of throwing out a blanket statement or sweeping generalization, we need to substantiate our points with evidence.

In summary, assertive communication can be achieved through tone of voice, nonverbal communication, declaratives, and substantiating points with research.

Being assertive will help you deliver your message with purpose and confidence.

Practice these strategies and over time, you will get better at them.

Happy Advanced English learning! 

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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