How to Make the Best First Impression in English
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Want to make a good first impression in English? Here are six English communication strategies to leave a good impression on someone when you first meet a person. You only get one chance to make a great first impression, so let's make it count!

We only get one chance to make a great first impression. 

Since that's the case, that's why we have to make it count.

How do we optimize our chances of making the very best possible first impression in English?

Good Communication

The focus should be intelligibility. Intelligibility means how easily can someone understand you? This has nothing to do with having an accent.  Having an accent is cool! It shows that you know more than one language, and that my friends, is impressive :) So don't feel ashamed about having an accent or discouraged. Just focus on intelligibility, not accent reduction per se. When the focus becomes intelligibility you are making sure that you are clearly stating your message, using proper intonation, and good word choice.

Keep It Simple

Use as simple phrasing as possible. The simpler the better with communication. Brevity allows for some clarity. Clarity with words show clarity in thinking. Avoid the temptation to use impressive-sounding words or complicated vocabulary.  Also avoid any jargon, technical language or abbreviations. If you are going to use them, be sure to define them so that the listener knows what you are talking about.

Vary Your Tones

English is not a monotone language. We have rising intonation and falling intonation when we speak naturally. We have inflection patterns in English. Be sure to vary your tonality when you speak. This will help keep the listener engaged and interested to what you have to say. Practice varying your tones when you are getting ready to prepare your meeting notes or think about topics you'll chat about with friends. Avoid uptalk, which is rising intonation at the end of a sentence. Only raise your intonation for a question.

Radiate Confidence

Use your body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures to give the best first impression. This shows your confidence. When we are animated and use our body language to communication, it signals that we are proud of who we are and we are happy to take up space in the conversation. Practice using your nonverbal communication and pair the appropriate hand gestures and facial expressions with your words.

Eye Contact

Make sure that you are making eye contact with the listener. This is a sign of respect. It also demonstrates you are confident because you are looking someone in the eyes. The same holds true for virtual communication where you will be looking into the webcam or camera in your computer to “make eye contact." It is something that you might need to practice, but be sure to do it! 

Listening Skills

Part of what gives a good impression of someone is how well they listen. Often people think that a confident communicator needs to do all the talking. Actually, a good communicator is someone who listens more than they speak. Aim for 50/50 meaning 50% of the time you speak, and 50% of the time you listen. As you listen, be sure to practice active listening. Some ways to show you're actively engaged in the conversation and truly listening are:

  • leaning in with your body
  • triple nod: nodding fast three times in a row
  • smiling and nodding to the listener
  • using discourse markers: ah, hmm, uh huh, oh, interesting…

Be sure to practice these strategies so that when you are ready to make a first impression, you will be prepared and confident! Have these tools in your backpocket so that you can pull them out whenever you need to! Most of the time, we don't always have control when we'll meet someone for the first time and make our first impression on them. But we DO have control over how we want the first impression of us to be on someone!

Good luck and keep on advancing your English!

See you in the next one.

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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