Easy Way to Master the Difference Between MAKE and DO in English and Common Collocations
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In this video, we'll dive into the nuances of 'make' and 'do' in English, clarifying their usage to ease confusion for learners. We'll dissect their differences, showcase examples, and explore unique collocations and idioms. Join our Explearning community for further learning and group coaching.

Have you ever found yourself confused about when to use "make" and when to use "do" in English? You're not alone! These two seemingly interchangeable words actually serve distinct purposes in the English language. In this blog post, we'll break down the basic differences between "make" and "do," explore common phrases where they are used, delve deeper into their collocations, discuss exceptions and nuances, and explain why understanding collocations is crucial for language fluency. By the end of this post, you'll not only understand the difference between "make" and "do," but you'll also be able to apply them in various contexts with confidence.

The Basic Difference Between "Make" and "Do"

Let's start by breaking down the basic differences between "make" and "do."

"Make" is generally used when creating or constructing something. It can involve producing a physical object, like making a cake, or refer to less tangible items, like making a choice. "Make" is about bringing something new into existence or causing something to happen.

On the other hand, "do" is typically used for actions, tasks, or work. It's more about the process or the action rather than the final end product. For example, you do your homework or do the dishes. "Do" is about the undertaking and the effort, regardless of whether there's a final product to show for it.

Understanding the basic difference between "make" and "do" is the first step towards using them correctly in English.

Delving Deeper into "Make"

Now let's dive deeper into the concept of "make." When we think of "make," it's helpful to envision bringing something new into existence. This can be as concrete as whipping up a batch of cookies or as abstract as making plans for the weekend. The act of making often involves a degree of creativity or initiative. It's not just about the physical act; it's about the intention behind it.

For instance, when someone says they made a friend, the implication is that they've established a new friendship or relationship, which is a creative social construct, not a tangible product.

The Versatility of "Do"

While "make" is about creation, "do" covers a wide range of general activities and tasks. "Do" is incredibly versatile, covering everything from doing a dance to doing time (a colloquial way of saying serving a prison sentence). It's about the action itself, regardless of whether there's a final product to show for it.

Common Phrases with "Make" and "Do"

To truly grasp the essence of "make" and "do," it's beneficial to explore some common phrases where they are used. These phrases, known as collocations, involve fixed expressions where "make" and "do" appear with specific nouns. Understanding these collocations will enhance your vocabulary and help you express yourself more naturally and confidently in English.

Let's look at some expressions and collocations with "make" and "do."

Expressions with "make":
- Make a decision: This phrase implies a process of considering various factors before arriving at a conclusion.
- Make a mistake: Here, "make" is used to indicate the creation of an error.
- Make an effort: Effort is not something you can touch or see, but it's something you can create within yourself. It's about exerting energy towards a goal.
- Make money: This phrase is about generating wealth or earning income.

Expressions with "do":
- Do your best: This phrase emphasizes the action of trying as hard as possible.
- Do the laundry: This is about performing a series of tasks to achieve the outcome of clean clothes.
- Do someone a favor: This is about carrying out an action that helps somebody else.
- Do the shopping: Similar to doing the laundry, shopping involves a series of actions such as selecting, purchasing, and bringing home goods.

By familiarizing yourself with these expressions, you'll start to notice patterns and feel more confident in your ability to choose the right verb for the right situation.

The Importance of Collocations

Understanding collocations with "make" and "do" is crucial for sounding more natural and idiomatic in your speech. Collocations are the building blocks of expressive and effective communication. Native English speakers use these combinations without much thought, but for learners, they can be the key to unlocking a more advanced level of language proficiency.

Collocations can be peculiar and sometimes defy logical patterns, which is why they can be challenging for English learners. For example, why do we say "make the bed" when we're not actually constructing the bed? Some collocations are based on historical usage and have become fixed in the English language over time.

By mastering collocations with "make" and "do," you'll be able to express complex ideas more succinctly and reduce the risk of literal translations from your native language to English, which can lead to errors.

Exceptions and Nuances

English, like any language, has its exceptions and nuances. When it comes to "make" and "do," the exceptions often stem from historical usages that have crystallized into idiomatic expressions over time. For example, the phrase "make the bed" doesn't involve constructing a bed from scratch. It refers to the act of arranging the bed neatly. Similarly, "do good" is an idiomatic expression that means to perform morally right actions.

These exceptions highlight the importance of context and familiarity with phrases that don't always follow the logical patterns of "make" and "do" for creation and action.


Mastering the difference between "make" and "do" in English is essential for effective communication. Understanding the basic differences, exploring common phrases, delving into collocations, and being aware of exceptions and nuances will help you use these verbs correctly in various contexts.

So, the next time you're faced with the choice between "make" and "do," remember that "make" is about creation and "do" is about action. With practice and exposure to different contexts, you'll become more confident in your language skills and unlock a whole new level of proficiency.

Are you interested in taking your English communication and social fluency to the next level? Check out our immersive group coaching program at Explearning Academy, where we tackle challenges like these head-on. Join our community and connect with like-minded individuals on a journey towards excellence in English communication and social fluency. Sign up today and let's make it happen!

Thank you for reading this blog post. If you found these tips useful and valuable, don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more insights on how to level up your communication and social fluency in English. Until next time, keep up the amazing work and see you in the next lesson!

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About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit academy.explearning.co and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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