Learn English with TV Shows & Movies - An Effective and Fun Way to Improve Your Skills
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Improve your English skills by watching your favorite TV shows and movies! In this lesson, we'll share tips on how to choose appropriate content for your level, learn new vocabulary, improve your pronunciation and listening skills, and gain a better understanding of the language.

If you want to improve your English skills, but you're not sure where to start, why not try watching English language TV shows or movies? By immersing yourself in the language, you can learn new vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and gain a better understanding of how the language is used in everyday situations.

Plus it's a fun and enjoyable way to practice your English skills. In this lesson, I'll share some tips on how to learn English by watching English language TV shows or movies. So grab some popcorn, turn on your favorite show, and let's get started.

One way to learn English by watching English language TV shows or movies is to start by choosing shows or movies that are appropriate for your level of English proficiency. 

Another tip is to try to watch the show or movie without subtitles if possible, this will force you to listen to the language and try to understand it, which can help improve your listening skills. If you do need to use subtitles, then try to turn on subtitles in English instead of your L1 native language. This can help you become more familiar with the way the words are pronounced and how they are spelled. It can also be helpful to pause the show or movie and try to repeat what the characters are saying out loud. This can be really fun and it can also help improve your pronunciation and speaking skills. And of course, rewind and go back and check it and see if there's alignment between the way the characters are pronouncing the words and phrases and how you are pronouncing the words and phrases.

Additionally, try to pay attention to the way the characters are using the language and how they're constructing their sentences. Notice the use of vocabulary and grammar structures and try to incorporate these into your own speech. Overall, the key to learning English by watching TV shows or movies is to be consistent and to practice as much as possible.

The more you watch, listen, and repeat, the better you will at become understanding and speaking English. 

There are many movies in TV shows that can be helpful for L2 English speakers to improve their English and some suggestions of TV shows might include FRIENDS, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Game of Thrones, and the Queen's Gambit.

These shows can provide a variety of different accents and dialects to listen to, as well as a range of vocabulary and sentence structures. It's also important to choose content that is interesting and engaging so that you'll be motivated to watch and learn. Some other suggestions might include Grey's Anatomy, Stranger Things, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Brooklyn 99, and the Great British Baking Show. 

There are many different movies to choose from as well, and the best ones for L2 English speakers to improve your English will depend on individual interests and preferences, of course. Some classic movies that are often recommended for language learners include the Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, and Forest Gump. These movies are known for their engaging storylines and well-developed characters and can provide a rich listening experience for language learners. Other popular choices might include the Dark Knight, Titanic, and the Social network.

Are you ready to put this into practice? Well, for those of you in my private community Explearning Academy, I'm sharing a full week of exercises, activities, and quests to complete so that you can improve your English by watching English language, TV shows or movies. So if you'd like those quests, the discussion that goes along with it and an opportunity to submit questions or ask me live in real time, then you can sign up for my community using the link below. I'll see you there. 

All right, so in conclusion, watching English language, TV shows or movies can be a fun and effective way to improve your English skills. By choosing shows or movies that are appropriate for your level of proficiency and practicing as much as possible, you can learn new vocabulary, improve your listening and speaking skills, and gain a better understanding of how the language is used in everyday situations.

So why not give it a try? Turn on your favorite English language TV show or movie and start learning today. 

All right. Thank you so much for joining me. I'm very happy that you were able to spend this time with me. I appreciate it. And if you loved this lesson, then be sure to show it's some love by going to the podcast, sharing it with people, writing us a nice review, you can leave up to five stars and also doing the same for YouTube channel, sharing that, liking the video, commenting, and also signing up for our newsletter. It's free. That's where you're gonna hear all the latest news from us here at Advanced English and Explearning. And I hope to see you in my private community Explearning Academy where we do this every day.

Alright, bye for now.

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit academy.explearning.co and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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