12 Super Advanced English Words To Impress Native Speakers
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I will teach you 12 super advanced English words to impress Native Speakers. You will learn the meaning as well as an example sentence. When you use this advanced vocabulary in your next English conversation, you'll do so with confidence and ease!

Today I’m sharing 12 super advanced English words that you can use in your everyday life in English as well as in your professional endeavors.

I’ll share the word, it’s meaning, the correct way to use it in a sentence and an example. I invite you to pause the lesson and come up with your sentences. At the end of the lesson I’m sharing today’s Advanced English challenge!

Let’s get to it.


Alright, ready for these 12 challenging words? Take note of the pronunciation I’m using. These are considered advanced words for Native English speakers as well :) 

ONE: Vehement /ˈviːɪm(ə)nt/

Vehement means intense as in showing a strong and forceful feeling such as passion. So if you do something vehemently, there’s emotion and force behind it. For example, to be vehemently opposed to something meaning you are truly against it. 

Joe was vehemently opposed to his company’s new policies.

TWO: Purview /ˈpəːvjuː/

Purview is the scope or range of the influence of someone or something. Can also mean the range of thought and experience.  You might hear it used as “within/outside the purview of” or “under the purview of.” For example, this case is under the purview of this institution.

THREE: Egregious /ɪˈɡriːdʒəs/

If something is egregious it’s horribly or shockingly bad. It can also be used when describing someone’s behavior. So it’s something that stands out in a remarkably bad way. For example, the soccer player made an egregious mistake during the championship game and he got a red card.

FOUR: Alacrity /əˈlakrɪti/

This means to show willingness, eagerness or readiness, and cheerful behavior. So a kid in a toy store who’s told that he can buy any toy he’d like, is showing alacrity. It can also mean brisk. For example, “When we’re in a rush, we must walk with alacrity.”

FIVE: Excoriate /ɪkˈskɔːrɪeɪt,ɛkˈskɔːrɪeɪt/

It means to express strong disapproval of someone or their actions, and to criticize someone severely. For example, “It was a heated debate because both sides were excoriating each other non-stop.” Another example is “June excoriated her sister for borrowing her designer purse without asking.”

SIX: Insular /ˈɪnsjʊlə/

Being narrow-minded or having an overly narrow outlook on life. For example, living on a remote island, away from other places of influence can be a very insular existence. You might use the adjective insular when describing a group of people or a culture. Let’s look at an example: “Robert did not feel like he belonged at his new school. Coming from a big metropolis, this new town felt rather insular.”

SEVEN: Extol  /ɪkˈstəʊl,ɛkˈstəʊl/

Extol means to praise someone with a lot of enthusiasm. Another phrase for this is to sing one’s praises. For instance, if you extol someone you praise their virtues. If you extol something you give it a lot of praise. Example sentence: “When children exhibit patience and understanding, we should extol their virtues.” 

EIGHT: Equivocal /ɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l/

This means uncertain and ambiguous, so open to more than one interpretation. Uncertain or questionable in nature. And it’s antonym is unequivocal /ʌnɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l/ meaning it’s unambiguous and leaves no doubt! Ok let’s have a look at an example: “When Sarah asked her teacher about what material will be included in the upcoming Math test she gave her an equivocal answer so she had no idea what to study!” And one more example with unequivocal is “Zoe gave an unequivocal answer to the marriage proposal saying ‘Yes! Of course, yes!’ that it was crystal clear she was overly ecstatic.”

NINE: Anomaly /əˈnɒm(ə)li/

Something that deviates from the norm or what’s considered standard and expected. It’s a blip or an oddity. For example: “After running multiple computer tests, we found an anomaly in the programming.”

TEN: Umbrage /ˈʌmbrɪdʒ/

Most commonly used as “take umbrage at” and it means to take offense to something or be annoyed at something. For example, “Eliza was hurt by the comment and took umbrage at their remarks.”

ELEVEN: Abrasive /əˈbreɪsɪv/

This means harsh or disagreeable. For example, “Her words were so abrasive that he started tearing up.” It’s when someone disregards or has little concern for another’s feelings. Another example: “Matt has an abrasive personality. He doesn’t make friends easily.”

TWELVE: Enamored /ɪˈnamə,ɛˈnamə/

Enamored means to be filled with love for something or someone. Some examples are: “Jon is enamored of New York” and “It’s easy to see why Charles is enamored of Sage.” Pay mind that it’s to be enamored OF someone, not with. To be enamored OF someone.  


So there we have it. Twelve advanced English words with their meanings and example sentences. Hope you have fun coming up with your own sentences using these words and practicing them in the real world!


English challenge: How many of these words and phrases can  you use in one paragraph? That’s your advanced English challenge today. Share that with the Advanced English community. And feel free to comment below with your own example sentences.


Alright Advanced English learners, thanks for joining me in this lesson. The full transcript of this lesson can be found on our blog, so be sure to check out advanced english dot co forward slash blog. If you prefer to listen to this lesson, check out our podcast; it's available on our website. And if you love the podcast, be sure to leave us a nice review, that really helps us out! See you in the next one where we’ll continue advancing your English together! Until then, keep up the awesome work.

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive skills and professional development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit academy.explearning.co and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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